Art Party – modern dance music

art-party-musicThis past weekend we had a fabulous ART PARTY chez nous! It featured my recently composed music for a modern dance company in South Florida. But, knowing that would be a bit boring to sit around and listen to the recordings of my music, I invited artist friends to DO their art during the music …. the result was wonderful. There was Sophie, who painted a lovely painting, to which we gave the name Transparence. Max, the poet, wrote his amazing lines during the music and read between tunes. Actually, a couple other writers were there as well, and shared their lines with us. Jaël, the masseuse did her special art, which most everyone enjoyed on a visceral level. Cyril did some sketching, Doro did some sculpture and Émile shot photography during the whole evening.

If you’d like to check out my music that was the focus of the party, check out my SOUNDCLOUD page.


panorama shot of the Art Party